Photography Hijacked

His King Billy series is extremely engaging even though facial recognition is next to none. The use of jewellery is done brilliantly here and something I’ve never before seen. The fact that he used Australian fabric with Dutch money to have jumpers made in China is hilarious and so fitting to this idea of ethnicity and diversity within different cultures working and living in harmony. Its with videos like this you really get a sense for the level of work put into his idea generation with much dedication to the end product. His background as a sculptor shines through with this level of planning, he sees the figures he is photographing as a work of art in itself, not just the photograph as a form of art. I have watched all 3 of Photography Hijacked as my Specialisation is Photography and I have to say many photographers whether they are aware of it are not are photographing as self portraiture. I know when I photograph another person I envision the way I would want to exist in the space and make my subjects mirror that idea. Seeing yourself in your work is so important to the concept not just for the continuity of the piece but for yourself as the artist. If you feel disengaged from the work its probably because your not doing it for you, or you don’t see yourself reflected in the work.

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