Christian Thompson

Christian Thompson Biography

Thompson’s interest in pop culture and 1980s -90s fashion influences is really interesting when pared with the journey he experiences with identity and understanding ones ethnicity that stems from rural Australia when being brought up in an urban environment. There is a design aspect to his work that appears very sterile and belongs in a place of high fashion but the way he has executed the content within the images and the subjects chosen including himself make for something more than editorial, its about history and discovery. These images feel conflicted as they hold a sense of loss or confusion but the way he in particular gazes into the lens of the camera right into the viewers soul is strikingly charismatic and holds a level of confidence. This may sound like a contradiction to itself yet I can’t help but be conflicted between these two ideas, almost like his confidence in himself is coming through whilst mourning his ancestors and failing to accept or understand the injustice they have endured, he is reaching out to us in memory of those who can not, its beautiful yet heartbreaking.

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